Friday 30 October 2009

never underestimate the little household inventions!

We've all been having either a common cold or the flu these past two weeks. The thing that worries me the most as a mom is how to get K to eat anything when she's ill. One or two days without food isn't so much of a problem I guess, but the third day I usually start "panicking" a bit. So I try to come up with fun food in the hope she'd at least try a bit. And, hurray, this is what did the trick this time:

Just simple bread, butter and cheese. And some cookie cutters. :D

P.s.: I love science: a British study recently proved that cursing and shouting helps enduring pain... so at least I did something right... ;)

Saturday 24 October 2009

it's getting colder...

About two weeks ago I made these wristwarmers for a friends birthday. Now that it starts getting chilly out there I thought I should have a pair, too:

They are sooooooo easy to make! And what I like about them even more is that to make a pair takes me one evening in front of the tv from the first chain to "wearable".

Friday 23 October 2009

maybe a bowl, one day?

I'm in the middle of a woodcarving project right now. I started out with a slice of tree, really, and didn't quite know what to make of it. But once I started it made up its own mind, it seems... ; )
Last week it looked like this:

Today it looks like this:

It takes ages to make these little changes, you wouldn't believe how hard this wood is! But it's well worth it, just look at the pattern! This is staghorn sumac, and I love the colours!

Sunday 18 October 2009

Hi there world,

this is my first blog, and I'm not sure how things will work out... for the time being this is a work in progress and hopefully will evolve into something worth looking at. I just got so frustrated about the fact that, although I do love to make things, only about three people ever get to see them. Since I myself love looking at other creative peoples blogs and get a lot of inspiration from them, I thought I'd enjoy sharing as well.

So here I am.

A bit nervous.

Over the next few days I hope to be able to add some pictures so you can find out what it is that I am doing. Right now I've got to go. What a dumb idea to try and start this in the middle of the day when there's so much to do! ; )

See you soon?
