Monday 8 February 2010


As you can see our calendar project is still running, although this one really pushed K's patience. Halfway through the stitches around the heart she felt like giving up. I told her she didn't have to do them in the first place, but like all 6 year olds she wanted to do it like mum. And again I have to say I like hers (on the right) better than mine (but that's just motherly pride speaking I guess  ; ) )!

I've finally finished my latest crochet project, which is a little short summer dress for K:
(summer garden granny square by courtesy of, but without her knowledge, the wonderful Lucy )
Look at her flapping her wings...  ; )  All magpie chicks need practice (she doesn't like being photographed, though...)
I hope she still likes the dress once summer arrives... right now it's hard to believe spring will ever come! Now that the snow has melted away it's getting colder again. I'm dreading "carnaval" at minus 7ºC, stepping on my own toes so they won't freeze off, and K in a way too thin princess dress... with no hat on 'cause "with my hat on I can't wear my crown!!!" Where's global warming when you need it?  ; )

Now I'll have to leave to pick K up from school. But I'll post again soon, I promise! I still have to tell you about my new woodcarving project, and a new crochet project as well (something green for a change)!
So hopefully I see you around soon!

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